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Posted by elizabeth-i-sycamore 12 years ago.

Will I be able to travel to Australia being 5 months pregnant with twins?

Hi I am a mother to two children and my husband and I are also expecting twins. We want to move to Gladstone, Australia for work opportunities and to better are financial situation. Is it safe to travel being pregnant with twins? And What are some good saving tips before we make the big move? All Feedback will be appreciated :)

2 replies, the latest on 29 May 2013.
Reply from graciedeska 12 years ago.

You need to check with your doctor as to whether it is safe to travel at this stage of your pregnancy. I believe it's usually fine until close to the due date unless you have health complications. However, with twins there is often a high risk of a premature birth so it would be very wise to get your doctor's advice!

Reply from keep-it-clean 11 years ago.

i am moving to gladstone under the same situation. 457 visa,did medicare cover your wifes bills.please help?

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