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Posted by jubie 14 years ago.

NZ citizen moving to Australia - almost 50. PR/visa?

I'm a NZ citizen by birth. I'm almost 50 yrs old and will be moving to Aus (long-term, if not, permanently) within the year. I've been told Kiwi's don't need to apply for PR as automatically have Special Visa when arrive - meaning you can work and live in Aus indefinitely. However, because I'm nearing 50, will I have to apply for a Work Visa or something similar? - even if I don't want to apply for PR/Citizenship. My (NZ) children will be living long-term in Aus (they aren't PR's) and I don't suppose, if I get there when I'm 50, I'll be able to link some sort of visa up to them if they get PR? or do they have to have Aus citizenship? I checked out the Aus immigration site about the visas and all that, but I just wanted to have clarity as that site doesn't 100% answer my question. Cheers

1 reply on 01 August 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.

There is no requirement for Kiwis to apply for a visa to live and work in Australia just because they are over a certain age. You can move over and live in Australia for as long as you like under the SCV, even at 50+ :)

However, if you do want to apply for Permanent Residency or Citizenship at any stage, you will find it difficult as many permanent visas have an age cut-off. There are a few options though, but best to speak to a migration agent if you get to that point.

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